MicroEra Power envisions a decarbonized future for buildings

MicroEra Power’s sustainable energy storage

In the face of rising concerns about climate change, MicroEra Power is developing THERMAplus™, an on-site energy storage solution, to provide resiliency and low-cost, low-carbon heating and cooling for commercial buildings

It must be buildings. It must be now.

Buildings consume approximately half of all energy. The majority is used for heating and cooling. THERMAplus™ smart energy storage is safer and more cost effective than batteries, and provides building owners substantial heating and cooling cost savings, while meeting efficiency and decarbonization goals.

THERMAplus™ synergies with on-site solar and geothermal technologies can be applied to new-build or retrofit projects. Electrification of heat brings promise to support clean buildings, but only if HVAC loads are managed to avoid carbon-intensive peak energy.

“No active patents were identified that contain the elements of the MicroEra Power technology”

NYS Science and Technology Law Center

Syracuse University

Innovating for the Future

Energy Security

Managing peak demands avoids electric grid brown-outs or black-outs in extreme conditions

Energy Cost Savings

Reduce heating & cooling costs up to of 50%

Energy Sustainability

Shift cooling and heating loads to off-peak/renewable intensive times. Store wind and solar energies directly in thermal form for heating and cooling buildings to deploy stored thermal energy on-peak and avoid fossil-fueled grid peaker plants

Energy Innovations

Our tunable phase change materials and predictive/adaptive software respond to changing usage profiles and weather, allowing THERMAplus™ to be managed and optimized via the cloud

Forward-looking designs

THERMAplus™enhances performance and efficiency of heat pumps, chillers, solar thermal, geothermal, Combined Heat & Power, and process heat recovery.

Our Team

Ellie Rusling, MS

CEO, Co-Founder

“I want to do all I can to preserve the Earth and building technology is where we can have the biggest impact”

James Grieve, MBA

CTO, Co-Founder
“People are making more sustainable choices and I like being a part of such important and positive change”

Kim Keefer

Advisor, Sales

Molly K. Over, MS

Design Engineer

“Technology has been behind on climate tech for a long time and it is pressing to accelerate the development and deployment. There are many improvements that can be made in this area so we have to get going”

Bernie Fischer, PhD

System Engineer

Gary Anderson, MBA

Strategic Advisor

Dan Kabasin

Project Manager

“It is meaningful to help employers to achieve an affordable energy storage for to keep their workers in a comfortable environment”

Jennifer Sertl

Director of Marketing

“Early in my career I was impacted by Eliel Saarinen’s statement: always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context – a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city plan.” I love working on this team because of their commitment to design thinking.”

Cindy Malone

Administrative Assistant

Alexander Dyall

Research Engineer

“Climate change is already affecting my home, with weirder weather and increased wildfires. The time to act is now. Commercial buildings have substantial heating and cooling loads, and thermal storage will make decarbonizing those loads practical.”

Donald Leung

Chemical Engineering


Team Mascot

We Are Hiring

In the pursuit of clean energy solutions and innovations, MicroEra Power fosters a culture of respectful discourse, inquiry, and creative problem-solving in which we all have a voice. We act with integrity, clarity, and professionalism. Questions are always welcome. We value diversity and do not tolerate discrimination of any kind. In the eleven languages spoken by MicroEra Power’s team members, Respect is globally understood, and teamwork is the glue that makes all success possible.…There is no “I” in TEAM

Our Projects & Partners

NYSERDA NextGen HVAC Challenge



To continue to strengthen on Renovation/Resilience/Impact, we need to deliberate on who we add to the team, we seek not only the highest skilled people but also the most thoughtful and collaborative.

Follow us on LinkedIn for the latest positions and opportunities!